Written on March 2, 2018.
All About ACTORS is an invention that was created out of necessity. After conducting interviews with five well-known actors for my college newspaper as part of a departmental honors course assignment, only the first two were published, and both were severely edited.
In addition to being left with the responsibility of getting the others published elsewhere, I found that I loved talking with actors about their work and did not want to stop just because I had graduated. But I despised the notion of working for some publication that would butcher the articles, or worse, assign me to interview a bad actor. So I decided to put out a publication that would be all about actors and nothing else (hence the title)!
The decision to take all of these interviews and spend the time to convert them over to a website was not an easy one. The majority of the earlier conversations are over two decades old, and some of the subjects are no longer with us. I constantly thought the entire time, “Will anyone outside of a theater student doing a research paper be interested in reading these?”
We are also dealing with quotes and opinions that are years old, and as we humans all know, we change our minds quite frequently. What someone said back then may not be true for them today. But to keep the integrity of the interviews, I have left all of the quotes intact as they were when they were first published, and have done minimal edits and structural changes.
With the addition of being able to market AAA on Twitter, I have come up with the following hashtags, which will be used as often as possible:
#TeeHawkTalk – You’re reading one right now! I explained this one in an earlier tweet. I will use this whenever I need to post something that will take up way more than 280 characters, like answers to questions, essays about particular actors, etc.
#NowTHISIsActing – These were similar to #NowTHISIsAFilm where I QT a post and add some information to it, but now the acting ones will focus on a specific performance or scene of the featured interview subject with a video clip. So you can see just how great they truly are!
#GreatFilmTune – You should all be familiar with this one by now. No changes except I will choose films that star the featured interview subject.
#AllAboutACTORSPoll – Self-explanatory. Around once a week I will ask you to choose between performances, actors, characters, etc.
In an effort to make you all feel like one of the original subscribers and buyers of All About ACTORS, I have included the exact dates, times & places (when known) of each interview, and they will be published in chronological order every few weeks—one or two at a time--so as not to bombard everyone with all the interviews at once and to give you the same anticipation for who is coming up next.
When we launch (be on the lookout for the tweet!), we will start with those first five interviews. So slip on your acid-washed jeans, set your mind back to the early 1990’s, and enjoy allaboutactors.com!
Thank you, Theresa
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